Exercise 4-5: MS WORD MANUAL
Exercise 4-5 : MS Word Manual
1. Printscreen Every Step and Put it on your online portfolio - www.blogger.com
2. Create a document (10 pages or more , Topic all about MS Word, Please indicate your source of reference at the Bibliography)
1. Insert Header and Footer (Insert Header Title and design , Design footer, insert page number)
2. Insert - Cover page (Design your cover page)
3. Home -Styles - Create - New Styles
4. Apply the Heading 1,2,3 Styles in your titles
5. References -Table of Contents
6. References - Inset Caption to Images
7. References - Insert Table of Figures
8. Insert - Footnotes,
9. Insert Citation - Add new Source (insert at least 3 references )
10. Bibliography - Automatic Bibliography
Insert Header and Footer (Insert Header Title and design , Design footer, insert page number)
References - Inset Caption to Images
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